Reflections On Lives Well Lived
It's that time of the year again. Beautiful blue skies, crisp cold air, and yes Virginia even rain.
Tre Soli made it through another summer.
The Glory of Autumn
It brings exquisite color along with it's relief from the heat and refreshment of gentle rains. But it is also a time of memories of the past year. Of the fruits of what we planted, tended, and harvested. And it is the time to sew the hopes of the next season. The chill and the rain allow us the luxury to indulge in fireplaces that glow in the same colors of our fruit trees while cuddled up with seed catalogues after rose catalogues. And this is THE best time for the roses in the desert. The cooler temperatures allow the roses to grow larger and larger and Larger. The cooler temperatures also allow the oils to be retained until they are cut and brought indoors to the slightly warmer air. That's when they release their glorious fragrance. Autumn is our favorite time to ooo and laahh laahh over these ruffled, silken, sweet fragranced girls.

Not all of Autumn is colorful. Some of it is just quiet, peaceful. As fruit trees around change color the herb and veggie beds are resting while being reinvigorated for the Spring plantings. So many urban farmers are providing clean food for our community that this year we are considering planting more flower seeds than vegetables.

The gazebo in the shelter of the fruit tree allele experiences the changes of Autumn. The Northern trees are already bare and sleeping. While the Southern Trees are still undergoing their color changes as they nod off to their brief respite before Spring. Soon this old teak table that has served as door in an earlier life will bask in the sun before it again is the site of celebrations, classes, meals, teas, refreshment, planning and creating. We can't wait to invite you and hope that you'll be joining us!
And of course reflections include the traditional assessing what to be grateful for as well as what goals to aspire to in the coming year. No doubt this has been a difficult year with too many losses of dear ones. Yet it has also been a wonderful year of new relationships for which we are thankful. The most thrilling being that of adding a new family member in the form of a bouncing baby boy!
We all have choices to make as to how we will celebrate this life we've been given, found and forged.
For us, we choose to celebrate the Autumns as well as the Springs.
Here's to the Best Year Ever for Yours, Mine and Ours!
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