Sombreuil Antique Climbing Rose grown on pillars at Tre Soli
Last week we resumed blogging here and tweeting @azgardenfresh at the last minute in order to help get out the word about a Master Gardener clinic teaching about growing citrus and other fruit trees. Whew that was one juicy morning.
Now I hope everyone plants at least one fruit tree. How about a kumquat in a pot on the balcony of your apartment! Two apples, Anna & Dorsett for evening shade, fragrance and dessert near a Western patio! Plant a Tangelo on the East to create a morning garden for a daily fresh squeezed glass! A lime outside the kitchen to create marinades and flavor chocolate! Or a peach or apricot tree in the front yard to share with passers-by. If you have the space plant a fruit tree for each family member or loved one. A home orchard full of memories and love... and the polinators will love you too. So many fruits can be grown in the desert. One is perfect for you.
Minneola Tangelo in Tre Soli East 40
Santa Rosa Plum
Peppermint Peach in Bloom
Thanks to all of the following people involved with the annual citrus clinic who inspired me to embrace my orphaned blog and Twitter! You keep me in the garden and I guess, now on the web.
Jo Cook, Kelly Young and all the Master Gardeners at The University of Arizona Maricopa County Extension
James Truman of Truman Ranch
Debbie & John of Greenfield Citrus Nursery
While being on hiatus from social media we have not been out of the garden loop. The Master Gardener program and Desert Landscape School have taught us more ways of looking at growing in our climate as well as more resources and connections. Especially important we learned new more sustainable, even regenerative, ways of growing our roses, herbs, veggies, fruits and flowers, and attracting my beloved hummers & butters.

The Western front of the property has undergone the most change. Lots of perennials have been added to attract wild life and especially pollinators. Milkweed to attract diminishing Monarchs, tubular blooming flowers and shrubs to bring in even more hummingbirds. In the Fall seeds for wildflowers have been planted in hopes of Spring flushes. As a result we have been designated a Monarch Way Station as well as a Wildlife Habitat.
And! We have added dozens of thornless cacti, something I never thought I'd want. Two of the agave are beginning to bloom. The bloom stalk looks like a giant stalk of asparagus! Yes I know most roses have thorns but that doesn't mean I'm fond of the big thorns on cactus. We'll tell you more about all of these activities in upcoming entries to this blog.
So come along to see what we've learned. And please tell us what you've been up to since we last chatted. Thanks to all of the well wishers and problem solvers along the way who are assisting us to get back in the garden and spread the word about renewing the body, mind and soul in the garden.

Sombreuil Opened to the Morning Sun at Tre Soli
To what are you open?
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